Award Acceptance


中華民國資訊軟體協會, 2023-08-25Source : 112年度資訊安全能量登錄暨資通安全自主產品通過名單 帝濶智慧科技榮獲「經濟部工業局」的認證,通過了112年度的嚴格評估與審核,正式成為「資訊安全能量登錄暨資通安全自主產品」的登錄廠商! 所謂「資訊安全能量登錄暨資通安全自主產品」 指經濟部工業局為了推動國內資訊安全產業發展,對於資安相關業者的技術實力進行全面檢核,委由中華民國資訊軟體協會主持「資訊安全服務機構能量登錄」,透過這項能量登錄機制,不僅能夠提供企業和政府機構優質的資訊安全服務,同時也推動整個資安領域的長足進步。 帝濶智慧科技通過資安服務登錄兩大項目、五項服務認證: 1. 資訊安全服務項目   1.13 提供資訊安全教育訓練     1.13.1 資訊安全意識教育訓練     1.13.3 資訊安全技術教育訓練   1.7 資料安全防護服務     1.7.4 電子資料安全管理與防護服務 2. 資訊安全產品服務項目   2.2 應用系統防護產品     2.2.5 人員身分與存取控制產品   2.3 資料安全防護產品     2.3.7 資料加解密產品 帝濶智慧科技自成立以來,一直秉持著創新的精神,不斷致力於在資訊安全領域取得技術突破和創新。這次獲得「資訊安全能量登錄暨資通安全自主產品」的認證,更是對我們多年來不懈努力的肯定。我們感到十分榮幸,並將繼續秉持企業使命,為客戶提供卓越的資訊安全解決方案。

Award Acceptance


CES, December 16, 2023Source :  CES 2023 INNOVATION AWARD PRODUCT Honoree Cybersecurity & Personal Privacy DeCloakFace is a trustable AI obfuscated image processing technology for facial recognition, which allows the user to conduct secure identity verification without leaking personal information. DeCloak, the developer of DeCloakFace is a privacy computing company, which aims to make personal data privacy easy and manageable. The innovative solution of DeCloakFace has brought a great deal of attention from industries including:  finance, healthcare, cryptocurrency and E-signing platforms, where

Award Acceptance

DeCloak Received Honorable Award Winner for the Final Competition of IoT World Series

IoT World Series, August 14, 2020, World-leading events and digital media for everything IoT. IOT WORLD    World-leading events and digital media for everything IoT. Our flagship event is IoT World For IoT news, visit     Welcome to the global leading event series for everything IoT, featuring: Internet of Things World, IoT World Europe, IoT World Asia, Industrial IoT World, Smart Cities Summit, Smart Home Summit and more. Official event partner of the world’s largest online IoT community,

Award Acceptance

DeCloak Won Top 5 Pitch Teams for the Final Competition of Select Taiwan

Select Taiwan, June 19, 2020, 1. TCCNA Introduction The North American Taiwan Chamber of Commerce Association was established in 1987. It is a non-profit industrial and commercial organization. The main members are excellent business people from Taiwan who have immigrated to North America. They hope that through the strength of the group association. The North American business community has an important position. Its objectives are as follows :I. Promote economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between members and the North
