Media Reports

Build Connections for Innovations US Taiwan Startup Forum

DIGITIMES, 林昭儀, September 23, 2020Source: DIGITIMES     由北美台灣工程師協會以及台灣科技新創基地(TTA)合作協辦的第一屆台美新創論壇(UTSF)第2場活動,將在美西時間9月25日下午4點舉行(台北時間26日早上7點),輪到8家分屬半導體(Semiconductor)、區塊鏈(Blockchain)、物聯網(IoT)領域的團隊粉墨登場。 UTSF 9-25廣宣     UTSF創立的宗旨為提供一個供台美新創公司分享其創業構想與成果的平台,並藉此促進兩地新創以及科技社群之間的交流。     2020年因為受到疫情影響,以虛擬線上會議模式進行。未來UTSF仍將每年舉辦,疫情過後將恢復線下人際互動模式,望讓台美兩地的科技從業人士及對新創有興趣的朋友們,能對兩地的新創與科技生態圈有更進一步的了解。藉由更多的互動機會,促成更有效的合作、更多的人才互通以及雙贏的產業發展。 Source: DIGITIMES

Media Reports

Be Careful! Wearing Smart Bracelet Privacy May Leak?

EBC News, November 16, 2018, Do you wear a smart bracelet?     Some kindergartens require children to wear Mi Bands 24 hours a day and use data for research. However, experts say that the information on smart bands is usually not encrypted and can be easily obtained.     In addition, the Facebook security issue caused criticism from Apple CEO Cook, so it was reported that Zu Kebo, the founder of Facebook, ordered employees to switch to Android phones!

Media Reports

Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies For 2020

Forbes, Bernard Marr, February 26, 2020, It’s the time of year when the MIT Technology Review releases its biggest breakthrough technologies for the year. These are technologies that are expected to have widespread consequences for human life in the coming year. Here’s a rundown of the amazing technologies for 2020: 1.   Satellite Mega-Constellations The impetus behind satellite mega-constellations is the goal to provide every corner of the planet with high-speed internet. Satellite mega-constellations are the solution to banish spotty Wi-Fi signals and cellular

Media Reports

CES 2020 Deconstructed: 10 Lessons

EE Times, Junko Yoshida,  January 16, 2020, LAS VEGAS — After miles of roaming the show floor, countless press briefings and one-on-one interviews, what did we learn at the CES 2020? Anyone who survived the last week’s ordeal in Las Vegas almost involuntarily comes away with a personal “takeaway” list. Below are the main perceptions I derived from my tour of CES 2020. [Separately I recorded my interviews with executives from leading automotive semiconductor companies and aired them on our radio show, CES

Media Reports

Facebook Data Breach Explained – What Happened with Cambridge Analytic and Are You Safe?

FACEBOOK is caught up in a data breach controversy that saw info on 50 million users exposed – but what actually happened? Here’s a simple guide to the Facebook data breach fiasco. What’s the Facebook data breach controversy about? This weekend, a report by The Guardian revealed that a company called Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of 50 million Facebook profiles. This information was allegedly used to map out voter behaviour in 2016 for both the Brexit campaign

Media Reports

Xiaomi Phones Covertly Send User Data to China: Report _copy

HIGHLIGHTS Many users online had earlier expressed their concerns about the Chinese government using manufacturers from the country to spy on users overseas. Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi has been called out for spying on personal user data using their smartphones. According to a new report online, the Xiaomi Redmi Note has been found to be sending photos and texts to a server in Beijing. This has further fueled speculations about the Chinese government spying on users overseas through phones made
