DeCloakFace (Obfuscated Deep Learning Facial Recognition System)

Face recognition has manifested itself as a cutting-edge solution for various industries as it secures access control, boosts customer experience, provides strong authentication, promotes goods and services, and speeds up financial operation. However, those profits often come at the expense of users, such as privacy and even safety. This constrains the development of capital market for facial recognition. DeCloakFace provides privacy protected identity authentication that image processing is done at local devices only so that no sensitive personal facial photos will be uploaded to cloud to avoid data leakage. The innovation solution has brought a great deal of attention from industries including: finance, healthcare, cryptocurrency and E-signing platforms, where ensuring privacy while collecting data is crucial.

資安大會開跑 產業署以零信任資安打造可信賴台灣

經濟日報, 余弦妙, 2023/5/9Source : 聯合新聞網 產業署指出,今年台灣資安館匯集48家資安廠商參與展示,除了攤位區外另設置「零信任資安」、「半導體資安」、「物聯網資安」及「5G資安」等四大主題特展,以居家書房、辦公室、戰情室、半導體產線及銀行金庫等場景,搭配對應的解決方案展示操作,讓參觀者能沉浸式體驗資安的重要性,以及如何實際運用。