DeCloakVision (Multi-Modal AI Privacy-Enhancing Surveillance System)

DeCloakVision is an innovative privacy-enhancing surveillance system that employs advanced techniques to protect individuals’ privacy while enabling the targeted observation and tracking of specific activities. The system utilizes decentralized AI models, leveraging well-designed differential privacy and homomorphic encryption technologies to facilitate secure and anonymous tracking of individuals without compromising their identities or the privacy of the general public. DeCloakVision’s cutting-edge multi-modal deep neural network (DNN) model ensures high efficiency in human image processing tasks and accuracy in recognition tasks, while providing differentially private de-identification and quantum safe encryption to safeguard image data. The system seamlessly integrates with existing surveillance infrastructure and offers a robust solution to address the challenges of mass surveillance while upholding individual privacy rights.

Privacy-Preserving Al Operating ModeI

Features of DeCloakVision:

資安大會開跑 產業署以零信任資安打造可信賴台灣

經濟日報, 余弦妙, 2023/5/9Source : 聯合新聞網 產業署指出,今年台灣資安館匯集48家資安廠商參與展示,除了攤位區外另設置「零信任資安」、「半導體資安」、「物聯網資安」及「5G資安」等四大主題特展,以居家書房、辦公室、戰情室、半導體產線及銀行金庫等場景,搭配對應的解決方案展示操作,讓參觀者能沉浸式體驗資安的重要性,以及如何實際運用。